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How to Use Hooks

Hooks can be used inside any functional React component, but they can only be used inside a functional React component, or a custom Hook. You can also use the same hook multiple times in the same component to set up different operations, or values.

You can not use Hooks in:

  • the global name space
  • class based components
  • loops
  • conditional statements
  • nested functions
  • anything that's not a functional React component

How Hooks Work

Each Hook has a slightly different use case, but there are some aspects of Hooks which apply to all of them

Hooks are just functions that come with the React package that allow functional components to access state, and lifecycle methods. You can import them by targeting them directly in your import

e.g. import React, { useState } from 'react'

Each Hook can be used multiple times, but it is worth noting that order is important.

Hooks must be rendered in the same order every time to work properly which is why you can't use hooks inside loops, or conditionals.

Those curly braces around useState are important since useState is not the default export for the React package

Benefits of Hooks

  • the simplicity of a functional component with the power of a class based component
  • allows related operations to be bundled together
  • stateful logic can be reused between components
    • > Note: It's just the logic that is reused, not the values in state

Types of Hooks

Your basic Hooks are:

  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useContext

Less common Hooks are:

  • useReducer
  • useCallback
  • useMemo
  • useRef
  • useImpreativeHandle
  • useLayoutEffect
  • useDebugValue

useState and useEffect are by far the most common Hooks you will come across.


The first step to using useState is to import it from react

  • import {useState} from 'react'

Next we will set up two variables using array destructuring, and useState

  • const [property, setProperty] = useState(initialValue)

This creates a property in state, with an initial value, and an updater function. We can then use our setProperty function to update our state.

  • (evt) => {setProperty(}

setProperty takes the new value we want to set as property in our state. Note that our updater function is often wrapped in an event handler.

Lab: Name Display

In order to get more comfortable with useState we are going to create a functional React component that has a form with two input fields for a first name, and last name. When the form is submitted we will display the full name on the page.

  • Create a new React App
  • Modify App.js so it only contains a form with two inputs with a type of text, and a display area
  • Using useState create three variables to keep track of:

    • the first name
    • the last name
    • the full name
  • When the form is submitted display the full name on the page

  • This must be a functional React component


Like useState useEffect must be directly imported from React before you can use it.

useEffect is used to setup what React refers to as "side effects." These are operations which fall outside the normal React render cycle, such as direct manipulation of the window objects, fetching data, setting up event listeners, or performing cleanup tasks.

You can think of useEffect as an all-in-one function for the componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount lifecycle methods

useEffect can clean up after itself by returning a clean up function, but not every operation needs to be cleaned up.

useEffect with no Cleanup

Effects that don't require a cleanup are actions that should be taken on every render. e.g. updating the title of your document. You can set these up by passing a callback function which performs the necessary action. This callback will be called every time the component renders, or rerenders

If you wanted to update the title of the document from the previous lab to reflect the user's full name you could add a useEffect(() => { document.title = fullName + "'s page"}) to your component

cleaning up after useEffect

If you are drawing data from an outside source, or you're subscribing to an external service you probably need to clean up after your effect to prevent a memory leak. To do this return a function from your useEffect callback that performs the cleanup tasks

If we were subscribing to a chat service we might set it up something like this:

useEffect(() => {
    if(user) {

    return function() {chatService.close()}

The function that is returned from our callback (function() {chatService.close()}) will be called during the componentWillUnmount lifecycle stage

Fetching with useEffect

A very common use of useEffect is to fetch data, but you have to be a little careful when doing so...

Because useEffect combines componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate it fires its callback when the page first loads, and then again everytime the component re-renders. Changing state causes a re-render so if you forget to wrap your setStateProperty function in a gaurd clause you can get trapped in an infinite render cycle.

useEffect and useStatecombined should look something like this:

function ShowData(props) {

  const [data, setData] = useState(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    if(!data) {
        .then(res => res.json())
        .then(jsonData => {

  return (
      { data }

Lab: Fetch a Post

Let's practice our hooks by fetching some data, and putting it on the page!

  • Create a new React App.
    • You will only need a single component at this point
  • fetch a post from and display it on the page
  • parse and format the post so that it looks nice when put onto the page
    • a sub component that acts as a shell for the post might be helpful here, but isn't required
  • Display the author's name along with the post

Bonus challenge: display all posts from jsonplaceholder, with authors, on the page

Creating Custom Hooks

You can also create your own custom hooks by simply writing a function that performs the actions you want your hooks to take. This can be done to combine multiple hooks into one reusable operation, or to create an entirely new bit of functionality

Hook Naming Conventions

It is important that you start the name of your custom Hook with use otherwise React won't recognize it as a valid hook.

e.g. useMyCustomHook

Refs, and Readings