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DOM Scripting

"Scripting" is a term used when you're writing programs that don't do much on their own; instead scripts usually use other, more advanced programs, or are embedded within them.

"DOM Scripting" means using JavaScript to manipulate the DOM (page elements and contents) inside a web page, either during page load, or in response to user events, like clicking a button or selecting text.

Scripts as attributes

This is the simplest way to execute JavaScript inside a Web page.

This is NOT the best way to execute JavaScript.

<button name="button" onclick="alert('Abracadabra!')">

Try it out here:

onclick is an attribute that contains a script that pops up an alert box. Also known as an event handler.

(We will discuss several other ways to attach event handlers later in this lesson.)

A Script Tag

Without a src attribute, it defines a script and immediately executes its code:

  var message = "Shazam!"

A Script Tag with src

With a src attribute, it loads code from a separate file, and and immediately executes it:

<script src="tictactoe.js"></script>

This code expects a file named tictactoe.js to exist on the server in the same directory as the HTML file.

The script tag may appear in the head or in the body. Scripts are executed in top-to-bottom order.

HINT: to be sure that your code executes after the page has been fully loaded, put your <script> tags at the bottom of the <body> section.

The document

In a DOM script, the current page is always available via the global variable named document.

In addition to providing many useful functions, it also provides some properties:

Property Description
document.URL URL of the current page, as a string
document.location URL of the current page, as a Location object
document.location = '' Navigate to a web page
document.title The title of the document, as seen on tabs
document.title = 'the joy of cooking' Updates the title of the document

Finding an Element by ID

If an element has an id attribute, you can get a pointer to that element with a single line of code:

let element = document.getElementById(id);

Once you have a pointer to that element, you can manipulate it further. You can also log it to the console for further inspection using:


Finding an Element by CSS Selector

let element = document.querySelector('main div.preview > p')

This returns the first Element within the document that matches the specified selector (in this case, the first <p> that is a direct child of any <div class='preview'> that is in the main section).

Using an Element

Once you find an element (using getElementById or any other way), you can start using it.

let header = document.getElementById('header')
let text = header.textContent

There is also a property called innerText but it's confusing and implemented differently in different browsers.

LAB: Update an Element

Finding many elements

In addition to getting a single element by its id or a CSS selector, you can also ask the document to give all elements that match a certain criterion.

let elements = document.getElementsByClassName('profile-picture')

by CSS Class name

let elements = document.getElementsByTagName('h2')

by Element name

let elements = document.querySelectorAll('h2.preview > p')

by CSS Selector expression

These return collection objects, so you must write more code to get the actual element objects, or to check the collection's length.

Event Handler Functions

In JavaScript, event handlers are callback functions.

The classic example of an event handler is "onclick", i.e. "please call this function when the user clicks this button".

To attach an event handler,

1) Find the element, e.g.

let button = document.getElementById('magic');

2) Attach the callback, like this:

// plain function definition
button.addEventListener('click', function magicWord() { alert('Abracadabra!') });
// anonymous arrow function
button.addEventListener('click', () => { alert('Abracadabra!') });

NOTE: using the "fat arrow" for event handlers is a good idea since fat arrows will restore the this variable to point to the same object as when the listener was added.

LAB: Update Element on Click

Events by Reference

If you have already defined an event handler function, you can attach it by reference, like this:

<button type="button" id="magic">Magic</button>
function sayMagicWord() {
let button = document.getElementById('magic');
button.addEventListener('click', sayMagicWord)

NOTE: if you attach a listener by reference, pass the name of the function only! Do not immediately invoke the function, like this:

button.addEventListener('click', sayMagicWord())

This calls the function sayMagicWord when the listener is attached and tries to attach the return value of sayMagicWord (which will likely be undefined).

Event Parameters

An event handler function can optionally accept a parameter -- usually called event (or just e) -- that contains [lots of information about the thing that just happened].

An event object has many properties but the most important one is, which points to the element where the action took place.

For instance, for a click event, contains a pointer to the element that was clicked.

<button type="button" id="presto">Presto...</button>
<button type="button" id="abra">Abra...</button>
var prestoButton = document.getElementById('presto');
var abraButton = document.getElementById('abra');

function sayMagicWord(event) {
  if ( === prestoButton) {
  } else if ( === abraButton) {
  } else {
  console.log({event}); // for debugging

prestoButton.addEventListener('click', sayMagicWord)
abraButton.addEventListener('click', sayMagicWord)

Event Bubbling & Capture

  • Events are created by their elements!!!
  • After creation they move up the chain by default
  • This behavior can be changed by using event.stopPropagation() in the listener
<div onclick="alert('outer div')">OUTER DIV
  <div onclick="alert('inner div')">INNER DIV
    <p onclick="alert('paragraph')">Paragraph</p>

Event Diagram

event flow diagram