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  • Uniform
  • Resource
  • Locator

URL Diagram

complex url

(via DoePud)

URL Breakdown


  • some parts are optional


  • http - the basics
  • https - "S" means "Secure"
  • file - local filesystem

many others...



the host is

the host is a domain name

the browser will use that name to locate the host server, using DNS (domain name service) to translate from text to an IP address, then use TCP/IP to connect to that host and begin an HTTP session


in http://localhost:8080

8080 is a port number

it identifies the HTTP service running on the server

the default port for HTTP is 80 (but developers often run servers on other ports, especially on their local machine)



the path is /bands/heart

the path helps the service locate the specific resource that the client wants

(this is the "R" in "URL")

the final part of the path ("heart") is called the slug and is used for search engine optimization (SEO)



the path is /bands/search

the query is ?heart

this was the original way to do searches on the Web, but was soon enhanced...

Query Parameters

Query Parameters use the same URL slot as normal queries, but use a particular format to encode multiple parameters into a single string

Inside the query string, URLs use delimiters:

  • & to separate parameters from each other
  • = to separate individual parameter names from values


the query is ?category=folk&date=1977

the query parameters are

name value
category folk
date 1977

Percent Encoding

any funky characters in a URL are "escaped" (encoded) as hexadecimal using percent-encoding

"funky" includes...

  • space (which turns into + or %20)
  • plus signs (%2B) and percent signs (%25)
  • some other punctuation marks
  • non-ASCII Unicode characters

e.g.引き割り.html becomes

Query Parameter Encoding

Combining query parameter encoding and percent-encoding can lead to some confusing URLs. For instance...


the query is ?category=80%27s+Rock+Bands&page=2

  • the first parameter is category=80%27s+Rock+Bands
  • the %27 means "apostrophe"
  • the + means "space"

so the decoded query parameters are

name value
category 80's Rock Bands
page 2's confusing but it makes sense if you break it down


in the URL

#profile called the fragment or anchor

the fragment is a hint to the browser and is not sent to the server with the rest of the URL

in normal pages, it asks the browser to scroll to a location inside the document, after the page has loaded

in Single-Page Apps (SPAs) it is used to determine which pseudo-page to display

Reading the Anchor Fragment

document.location.hash returns the URL's fragment (everything after the #) as a string

Normal web pages use the anchor to scroll to an element with a matching id or name attribute

Single-Page Apps use the anchor to redraw the page and call it "routing"

Lab: Say Hello, Rebuilt

We are going to build a site that greets the user by name once more. Instead of having any sort of input form we are going to use anchor fragments to determine the name

  • Create an HTML document that displays the text "Hello, stranger!" when you visit the home page (localhost:5500 if you're using live-server)
  • If the user specifies a name in the URL the page should greet them by that name instead
    • e.g. localhost:5500#Bob -> "Hello, Bob!"
  • Format the name so it is always capitalized regardless of how it's put into the address bar
  • If the name is on your enemies list tell the person to "Go away!"
    • and redirect back to the home page