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Methods are Functions Attached to Objects

// A plain object with a method "area" attached
let circle = {
  radius: 2,
  area() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

Given a circle object with a radius of 2:

  • circle.radius is a value and evaluates to 2
  • circle.area is a method and evaluates to a function() {...}
  • circle.area() is a method call and evaluates to 12.566370614359172

The class keyword 1

JavaScript has the class keyword which is syntactic sugar on top of JavaScript's existing prototype system.

This new class syntax is much easier to understand than the previous system.

class Circle {
  circumference() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * 2;
  area() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

The class keyword 2

Use it like this:

// create a new Circle instance
let circle = new Circle();  
// set its radius to 2
circle.radius = 2;          
// call the area method, which
// returns 12.566370614359172 

MDN: classes

Stay classy, JavaScript

Classes are for making lots of objects with the same methods, but different data

A class defines a type of object.

An instance is an individual object of that type.

For example, there are many houses, but my house is yellow.

The Cookie Analogy:

  • A class ~= cookie cutter
  • An instance ~= cookie
  • An instance's data ~= icing and sprinkles

Object Constructors and new

  • A constructor is a function that's called when you use the new keyword
  • It's the very first method that's ever called on that particular instance

What new does, in detail:

  • Create a new empty object
  • Set the object's class
  • Set this to point to the object
  • Call the constructor function
  • Set this back to whatever it was before
  • Return a reference to the object

Initialize Objects with Constructors 1

After the constructor executes, the object should be in a valid state

In practice, this means "pass all initial values into the constructor" and use them to build the object

A Better Circle

class Circle {
  constructor(radius) {
    this.radius = radius;
  circumference() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * 2;
  area() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

Initialize Objects with Constructors 2

Use the constructor function like this:

// Create a new Circle instance with radius 2
let circle = new Circle(2);
// call the area method, which
// returns 12.566370614359172 

Constructors Validate Objects

Constructors can validate input values

class Circle {
  constructor(radius) {
    if (radius <= 0) {
      throw('ERROR: radius must be a positive number')
    this.radius = radius;

let negativeCircle = new Circle(-1);
// Uncaught 'ERROR: radius must be a positive number'
  • The if statement is called a "guard clause"
    • It guards against bad values entering your object
  • Validation is a valuable feature of object-oriented programming
    • Be confident that you don't have to check for bad data or boundary conditions

Factory Functions

When an object constructor accepts different values from the ones that you have on hand, you could define a function to alter the input value like this:

let someDiameter = 20;

function circleFromDiameter(diameter) {
  return new Circle(diameter / 2);

let myCircle = circleFromDiameter(20);
// 10;

The above is called a "factory function" since it constructs objects for you, based on your specifications.

Factory Methods

For convenience and code organization, factory functions are often attached to the class -- not the instance -- of the objects they create.

Factory Function Factory Method
let c = circleFromDiameter(2) let c = Circle.fromDiameter(2)

The factory method works exactly the same way as the factory function, but

  • the factory function is in the global namespace
  • the factory method is in the class namespace so it's more clear that it is meant to create one of this class of objects

Static Factory Methods

To make a factory method in JavaScript, use the static keyword:

class Circle {
  static fromDiameter(diameter) {
    return new Circle(diameter / 2);

  constructor(radius) {
    if (radius <= 0) {
      throw('ERROR: radius must be a positive number')
    this.radius = radius;

  circumference() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * 2;

  area() {
    return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

Use it like this:

let circle = Circle.fromDiameter(4)

Note that lowercase "c", circle.fromDiameter(), does not work. Static methods are attached to classes, not instances.

Lab: Cake factory

Create a class definition, or factory function that generates different Cake objects that can have different flavors, icings, and decorations, with a method to print a description of the cake to the console.

  • Set up a Cake class definition with a constructor

    • It should take three arguments: flavor, icing, and decoration
    • There should be a method that uses those properties to print a description of the cake
  • Given this code: 'let myCake = new Cake(chocolate, caramel, sprinkles)`

    • When you call myCake.describe()
    • Then you should see "It is a chocolate cake, with caramel frosting, and sprinkles" printed to the console.