Methods on Strings
Methods do NOT mutate the strings they're called on. They return NEW strings with the return value of the method.
Returns the character to the right of the specified index
'dog'.charAt(1) // => 'o'
.slice(num1, num2)
Returns a string from the right of the first specified index to the left of the second specified index, or the end of the string
'supercalifragilisticexpialadocious'.slice(5, 9) // => 'cali'
'supercalifragilisticexpialadocious'.slice(9) // => 'fragilisticexpialadocious'
returns a lowercase version of the string it's called on
'HeLlo'.toLowerCase() // => 'hello'
returns a capitalized version of the string it's called on
'hello'.toUpperCase() // => HELLO
returns an array of strings split at the specified character
'blueberry'.split('e') // => ['blu', 'b', 'rry']
Methods on Numbers
Numbers also have some methods that can be called on them. There is also a globally available Math
class available in JavaScript which has a number of usefull methods attached to it
takes a number object and turns it into a string
let x = 10
x.toString() // => '10'
(42).toString() // => '42'
Note that you will need to assign to value of the number to a variable (or wrap it in parentheses) and then call
on it otherwise you'll getSyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
takes a number object and evaluatues it to a specified number of places
(7.54321768).toPrecision(4) // => 7.543
evaluates a value and returns a boolean depending on if it's a number or not
x = 10
y = 'cat'
isNaN(x) // => false
isNaN(y) // => true
trims all decimal places off a given number
Math.floor(134.97837) // => 134
Note that this does not round the number, it just trims off everything after the decimal point
returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and one (exclusive)
Math.random() // => a random number between 0 and 0.99999999999...