Databases Overview

This lesson gives an overview of the terms and concepts involved in databases.

Database definition

database (n.) - a structured set of data held in a computer, usually organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated

Database Examples

Relational (SQL) Document (NoSql) Object-Oriented Graph Filesystem
Style Examples
Relational (SQL) Oracle, MySQL, PostgresQL, Microsoft SQL Server
Document DBs (NoSQL) MongoDB, CouchDB, Google BigTable, Apache Cassandra
Object-Oriented (OODB) Smalltalk/Gemstone, Prevayler
Graph DBs Neo4j, GraphQL (*)
File Systems any Unix or DOS filesystem, IPFS

() GraphQL not a database *per se, but a query language for graph DBs and APIs

Server vs. Server vs. Server

There are at least three overlapping uses of the term "server":

  1. a databse process running on a computer that responds to queries
  2. the actual computer running that process
  3. the application code that is itself a server but is a client of the database server

So you could say "my Linux server is running a Mongo server behind a Node server" without ambiguity.

There is similar fuzziness around the term "database" -- e.g. a single MongoDB database server has many independent databases, each with its own users, permissions, collections, etc.

Usually the meaning is clear from context, but sometimes you need to clarify.

Application Database vs Integration Database

Martin Fowler makes the following distinction:

The needs of the two scenarios are often very different, and people with experience in one style can have very different assumptions than people with experience in the other style; they often end up talking past each other.

Application Database vs Integration Database (cont.)

In an organization with a history of using integration DBs, it can be difficult to write applications, since common operations (like adding a table or renaming a field) must go through a process to make sure they don't break other apps or use cases.

One of the great advantages of an application database is that it is easier to change since all its use is encapsulated by a single application. Evolutionary database design and database refactoring can be used to make significant changes to an application database's design even after the database is put into production.

Relational Database vs Document Database

a relational database (aka SQL) stores information in tables; every record in this table has the same flat structure, and this structure (the "schema") must be defined beforehand

a document database (aka NoSQL) stores information in documents; records can contain any fields, can include collections and child records directly, and don't require an explicit schema

Database concepts


Most database protocols are stateful, which means the communication between client and server involves more than a single request and response.

Generally the client connects to a server early on and authenticates itself (logs in), then keeps the connection open so it doesn't need to authenticate on later requests.

(This can lead to trouble because servers have a limit on the number of simultaneous connections they can preserve, leading to client-side software solutions like connection pooling.)

Stateful connections also enable other features like transactions, caching, and load balancing.


Data is stored in collections; each collection has a unique name.

(in Relational (SQL) DBs, a collection is called a table)

Example (SQL):

SELECT * FROM students -- "give me all the fields of all the records from the table named 'students'"

Example (Mongo):

db.collection('students').find({}) -- "give me all the documents from the collection named 'students'"


In a database, the data is stored in packets called records.

Every record in a collection has the same field names but each record usually has different values in each field.

Primary Key

a primary key is a field that uniquely identifies a record from among all other records in the collection

usually the primary key is an integer but often it's a string

also called an id (and often the name of the field itself is id)

databases have various ways to ensure uniqueness, usually by causing new records to automatically get either


The four basic database operations:

Operation SQL Mongo
Create INSERT insertOne, insertMany, etc.
Read SELECT findOne, find
Update UPDATE updateOne, updateMany
Delete DROP deleteOne, deleteMany, findOneAndDelete, etc.

Note: some database experts advise "never delete any records"



In addition to CRUD, the following database features are also fairly standard:


Sometimes a query would return many results -- maybe more than can fit in memory!

To solve this problem, most databases provide an object called a Cursor which fetches some of the results but not necessarily all of them at once.

When you ask a cursor for the next result, it will automatically go back to the database to fetch the next page if needed.


One thing database servers are good for is handling many different queries happening simultaneously.

A transaction wraps up serveral operations so that they all happen together.

For example, when making a transfer between two bank accounts, you want the withdrawal and the deposit to happen as one transaction.

If any step in the transaction fails, the transaction is rolled back -- all its changes are reverted and no other connection will ever see the changes.

If everything succeeds, the transaction is committed and other connections can see all the changes.

This is known as an atomic operation -- several actions behaving as one.


BLOB stands for "Binary Large Object" but it is also a good metaphor.

A BLOB is any piece of data that the database treats like a blob -- it does not look inside it, doesn't know its value, can't sort based on it, allows it to be arbitrarily small or large, etc.

Example: an profile picture image file

Storing BLOBs is often very convenient, and is useful for prototyping or for apps with low-to-middling performance requirements.

But in high-performance web applications, it's often a better idea to store media files in a CDN like Amazon S3; in your database, instead of a blob, store a URL or id pointing to that file in the CDN.


In relational databases, the data is organized in tables and different records are connected only indirectly, using foreign keys.

So if a Person has an Address, and those are stored in separate tables, if you want to get a person and their address in a single query, you need to join those tables together.

The syntax and usage of joins can get very complicated, but at heart it's straightforward:


SELECT,, address.person_id, address.street, ...
FROM person
JOIN address
ON = address.person_id

In document DBs, joins are often not necessary because...

In NoSQL databases, documents contain their contents

In SQL databases, the contents point to their containers.



a schema defines the types, names, valid values of a database

in SQL the schema is explicit and must be defined before inserting any data

in NoSQL, often, the schema is implicit and it's up to the application developer to ensure the data conforms to the application's needs, but you can use frameworks such as mongoose for schema validation.



