
Firebase is a full backend framework designed by Google

Getting Started with Firebase

Already have a google account? Perfect!

Setting up a Firebase project is easy. Just visit the main Firebase homepage click the button that says "Get Started" and then "Create Project"

Congratulations! You now have a Firebase App!

Your App's Dashboard

The Dashboard is the control room, from which you can modify your application.


User authentication tends to be very hard, and comes in several flavors.

Firebase supports both credential based login (username/password) and OAuth integration, and makes user authentication relatively easy.


Firebase provides two databases the Real Time Database, and Cloud FireStore.



You can also host your webapps through Firebase. Deploy using the Firebase CLI

The Firebase CLI

The Firebase CLI allows you to connect to, and interact with your Firebase application from your local terminal.

While there are installers available it's recommended that you install using npm: npm install -g firebase-tools

The Firebase CLI continued

The Firebase CLI can be used to do more than just deploy apps


The firebase.json file is generated automatically, and tracks the settings for your firebase app. If you have static files in a public subdirectory the default setup will work.

The value of the public property in the hosting section of the file is the location Firebase's hosting service will attempt to serve files from.


The functions section allows you to add scripts, and listeners to your Firebase application so that it can have the functionality of a full server, without having to actually set up a server file.

Machine Learning

The ML Kit for Firebase provides integration for other Google Machine Learning technologies so you can bring the power of artificial intelligence to your app.

Firebase as a service

While you can create an app that will live, and work entirely within Firebase it is quite common to create an external app, hosted elsewhere, and connect it to Firebase on the back end to utilize some of the tools avalable in Firebase.

Connecting to Firebase from the Outside

Firebase Documentation

The Google Ecosystem

Firebase is developed, and maintained by Google. As such it is part of the Google ecosystem.

What this means for us is that Firebase will work with other Google services with no setup, or minimal setup needed.

Setting up OAuth authentication with Google Login is a breeze with Firebase, though other OAuth providers, such as GitHub, might require a more complex setup.

Why Firebase (or why not)?

Lab: Configuring your App to work with Firebase

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