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  • stands for Document Object Model
    • "Document" = HTML page
      • also works for XML
    • "Object Model" = way of describing page elements
      • tags, attributes, styles, text, etc.
  • Mostly standard
    • but there are some browser differences
  • Core DOM objects
    • Node, Element, Text, Comment, Attr


  • stands for Browser Object Model
  • global window variable has lots of nice properties
    • window.location
    • window.navigator
    • window.history
    • window.screen
    • window.frames
    • window.document -- hey, look! it's the DOM
  • methods too
    • open(), close()
    • moveTo(), sizeTo()
    • alert(), prompt(), confirm()
    • setTimeout(), setInterval()

window vs. document

  • document is the page
  • window is the stuff around the page
  • Kinda the same, but kinda different
window === document
// => false
window.location === document.location
// => true

The window

  • window.location = ""
    • makes the browser load a new page
  • global JS functions are properties of window
window.x = 7;
x === 7; // true
y = 9;
window.y === 9 // works in reverse too
  • core JS functions are methods of window
parseInt('123')         // same
window.parseInt('123')  // thing

Locating HTML Elements

  • the hard way
    • traverse the document tree using DOM Node methods
  • the somewhat easier way
    • document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0]
  • the easy way
    • document.getElementById('article')

Adding HTML

  • brute force (raw HTML strings)
document.write("<p id='message'>hi</p>");  // :-( this freaks out Firebug Console

var message = document.getElementById('message');
message.innerHTML = "<b>bye</b>!";
  • programmatically with JS

let target = document.getElementById('someElement')

let paragraph = document.createElement('p')
paragraph.textContent = "I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."


Altering HTML Elements

  • Target an element through a DOM query and assign it to a variable
  • Use the reference to the element to manipulate existing properties
    • Or add entirely new properties

the style property

  • acts like a hash with properties for most CSS attributes
  • CSS uses dashes; JavaScript uses camelCase = "#FF0000";


  • When a user does something, it generates an event
    • e.g. click on a button
    • the target is the element that was affected
    • the event is an object describing the details
    • the listener is a function you wrote
  • "listener" is just another name for "callback" (for events)
    • also called "handler"

Event Name Gotcha

  • the name of the property is not camelCase
  • the property name starts with "on" but the event name does not include "on"

return false

  • if the event listener returns false, all further processing stops
  • usually used to stop a form from actually submitting after a handled submit event

Many event types

  • Mouse
    • mousedown, mouseup, click
    • mouseover, dblclick
    • and many more. There are a ton of mouse events. A ridiculous number really.
  • Keyboard
    • keydown, keypress, keyup
  • Window
    • load, unload, beforeunload
    • ready (jQuery only)
    • abort, error
    • resize, scroll, contextmenu
  • Form
    • focus, blur
      • "blur" should probably have been "unfocus," but we're stuck with it now
    • change, select
    • submit, reset
