The Pomodoro Technique is a useful way to focus on a problem for a little while... but not too long that encourages regular breaks and can change your perception of time itself.
Build a single-page app that counts down from 25 minutes and makes audible and visual alerts when the time elapses.
Clone the your repository created by the GitHub classroom link. The tests use the Cypress Mock Clock to control time during test runs.
[Start] [Pause] [Reset]
After implementing the basic features, feel free to implement your own ideas of layout and style using CSS.
- the buttons should be enabled and disabled based on the system's state; e.g. if the timer is not running, the Pause button should be disabled
- JavaScript timing events are not guaranteed to be precise. That means that even if you ask for a callback once a second, you might actually get a callback after 1.1 seconds... or even later if your app is running in the background, or if there are other sources of lag. That means that you cannot simply decrement a "seconds" variable once per callback if you want accurate wall-clock time synchronization.
- seconds should be 0-padded e.g.
- JavaScript timing events like setInterval and setTimeout
- HTML5 Audio
- Date.now() function
- Cypress Mock Clock:
Please implement these user stories in order. There are Cypress acceptance tests for most of them in the repo. Feel free to add your own unit tests and/or acceptance tests too!
Given a set duration of 25 minutes
When the user clicks the Start button
Then the timer should begin counting down once per second, following the sequence: 24:59
, 24:58
, 24:57
, ... 24:00
, 23:59
, ... and so on
And the Start button should be disabled
Given that the timer is counting down
When it reaches 0:00
Then the timer should stop counting down
And the Start button should be disabled
And the Pause button should be disabled
When the user clicks Reset
Then the timer should reset to 25 min 00 sec
And the countdown should stop (if was in progress)
And the Start button should be enabled
Given that the timer is counting down
When it reaches 0:00
Then it should play a sound
Given that the timer is counting down
When the user clicks the Pause button
Then the countdown should stop
And the Pause button should be disabled
And the Start button should be enabled
Given the game is paused
When the user clicks the Start button
Then the timer should resume from the current time.
Given that the timer is counting down
When it reaches 0:00
Then it should visibly flash the screen (be creative)
And the timer should stop counting down
When the user clicks Reset
Then the flashing should stop
optional features; implement these -- or think of your own! -- when you're done with the backlog.
- change duration to 2 different set values (10 min and 2 min)
- change duration to arbitrary value (user input)
- display the remaining time in the title of the tab (or browser window) so users can check it at a glance
- look at https://tomato-timer.com/ for inspiration
- use Notifications
- keyboard shortcuts