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Geo Vermonter is a game built using Google Maps

In this project we will build our own version of the game using locations inside Vermont.

First, clone the starter project from the github classroom link

cd into the repo directory and then run npm install


  • web layout and UI
  • embedding maps APIs
  • geocoding APIs
  • DOM event handlers

Game Rules:

  • before the game begins the user should see a map of Vermont zoomed out just enough to view the whole state (zoom level ~8 on a map with a 600px height)
  • when the player starts a game, they are dropped into a random spot inside Vermont
  • the initial score is 100
  • the zoom level is 18 and there are no streets or markers, only satellite imagery
  • the map does not support zoom out, or slippy click-and-drag-to-move -- all movements must be deliberate, by clicking one of the north / south / east / west movement buttons
  • every time the user clicks a movement button, the map moves a fixed amount in that direction, and the score is decreased by 1
  • when the player clicks "Guess!" they can choose a county from a popup menu
  • if the guess is correct then:
    • the game displays "You win!"
    • their final score is logged [how?]
    • the Info box is filled in with the correct latitude and longitude

How do we get the nested list of Vermont towns and counties?

Basic Layout

  • Sketch out wireframes for a page with the following page elements.
Selector Description
map shows the current map (initally the entire state of Vermont)
nav top of page, placeholder for "about" and "high scores" and such
info contains fields for...
latitude, long, county, town read-only text fields
north, south, east, west buttons for movement
start, guess, quit buttons labeled "Start a Game", "Guess the Spot", "I Give Up!" respectively - all disabled for now
score text field
  • Then code the layout in HTML with placeholder information
  • Run the cypress tests:
    • use npm test to run them immediately on the console - find screenshots under cypress/screenshots/geo_vermonter_tests
    • use npx cypress open to run them interactively in the browser GUI


Initially, implement your server code as simply as possible. Over the course of the week, we will learn more ways of saving state on a server or database.

  1. in RAM (a list of JS objects in an array) -- this will get erased when you restart the server but will be just fine for demos
  2. in a file -- this will work locally but will not work on Heroku
  3. in MongoDB


State of the State

Using leaflet.js place a map of the state of Vermont inside the map div. Use the Isri.WorldImagery tileset and make sure not to show any street or town info to the user -- only satellite images.

The map should be at a fixed zoom level (8 is pretty good for a map that's 600px high), enough to show just the boundaries of the state and not much more.

The boundaries of Vermont are specified in border.js. Ask Josh for further instructions.

Game On

Given a page with a map, Start, Quit, and Guess buttons

When the user clicks Start a Game

Then the Start button is disabled

And the Guess button is enabled

And the Quit button is enabled

Random Spot

Given the game has not been started

When the user clicks Start a Game

Then the app chooses a random lat/long position inside the boundaries of Vermont

  • leaflet-pip is a library for finding out whether a point is inside a polygon

And zooms and centers the map to that location, with a different fixed zoom level of 18

And displays question marks inside the lat, long, county, and town fields

optionally: it displays a small map of Vermont counties on the side, e.g.

I Give Up!

Given the game has been started

When the user clicks the "I Give Up" button

Then the app displays the lat/long position inside the info panel

And uses geocoding to look up the town and county, and displays those inside the info panel

Guess the County

Given the game has been started

When the user clicks the Guess button

Then the user sees a modal dialog box asking "What county are we in?" with a popup list of all Vermont counties

And two buttons ("Guess" and "Cancel")

When the user selects the correct county and clicks "Guess"

Then the game fills in that county name in the Info box (instead of a question mark) (as well as the other geocoded information)

And informs the user "Correct!"

When the user selects an incorrect county

Then The game subtracts 10 from score

And informs the user "Wrong!"

And the dialog box disappears

When the user clicks "Cancel"

Then the dialog box disappears with no change to score


Given the game has been started

When the user clicks the "North" button

Then the map scrolls a fixed distance to the north (~.002 degrees lat or long should be a good distance)

And the score is reduced by 1 point

and likewise for East, South, and West buttons


Given the user has started the game

And moved from their initial location

When the user clicks the "Return" button

Then the game scrolls back to the original spot, with no change in score


When the user clicks a movement button

Then the map draws a dotted line between the previous map center and the new map center

And keeps showing the dotted line during the rest of game

Save Score (local)

When the user wins a game

Then the game asks the user for their name (or remembers from earlier)

And saves the name and score to a list of games

When the user selects "high scores" from the nav bar

Then the app shows a list of all games, in score order (top to bottom)

For the first pass, use LocalStorage so it persists across game sessions. BEWARE that the values can only be strings, so you must use JSON.stringify on the way in and JSON.parse on the way out.

save score (server)

When the user wins a game

Then the game saves the name and score to the server

When the user selects "high scores" from the nav bar

Then the app shows a list of all games, in score order (top to bottom), including scores from all other players


Previous Games:

Given the game is over

When the game is saved, don't just save the name and score: all the info, including spot and all moves taken, and any guesses, should be saved as well

Then viewing old games, the user can select one and see the above info

View Replay

Given the user is viewing previous games

When the user selects 'view replay' on a game

Then the game shows a replay at a speed of 1 move per second

Challenge Mode

  • Guess the town, not the county
  • Daily Challenge - every user uses the same point
  • Burlington Challenge - guess the neigborhood