How to Demo

  1. say what you’re gonna do, then do it, then say what you see
  2. don’t multitask: either speak or act
  3. take your hands off the keyboard when answering a question
  4. don’t assume the user can see the cursor
  5. make eye contact
  6. practice!

Say what you see

"A picture is worth a thousand words..."

... but it's a different thousand words for each viewer!

So try to be clear about describing what you see.

Good: "So after I click the submit button, you'll see a spinny animation for a second... <click> There it is! <click> ... and now the next page is loaded."

Bad: "<click> Did you see that spinny?"

Macro to Micro

Silence is Golden

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

Awkward silences are great for eliciting feedback and gathering information. The audience members will feel awkward too, and will want to fill the void.

It's not a party until something gets broken

...and it's not a demo unless something goes wrong

Relax. Make a self-deprecating joke. Take a deep breath. Remember that the audience is on your side.

Answering Questions

Team Demos

Some Good Demos

iPhone Launch by Steve Jobs:



