
routing in web apps is essentially a set of rules to decide...

the "code we run" is also called an endpoint or a route or a script or a handler or...

The "code we run" doesn't have to be complicated. It could be as simple as sending a file.

Routing is simple...

Many web app server frameworks have complicated systems for routing, but that complexity is not essential.

Routing can be a simple series of if..else statements, or a switch statement

and most of the fancy framework code is simply to build up a list of matching rules which the server then walks through in first-to-last order.

...but don't reinvent the wheel

Frameworks like Express give you more than the implementation of features like routing and parameter passing

they also give you an interface that will make your calling code easier to read

as well as a shared context of documentation and tutorials so other coders don't have as much to learn before understanding your code

Express Routing

Express Routing Example

In the Hello, Express lesson we saw the following route:

app.get('/', (request, response) => response.send('Hello World!'))

This means,

code explanation
app my application,
.get when the client does a GET request
(request, response) => will call this handler function with a request object and a response object
response.send send a response
('Hello, World') with this string as its body

Express Route Matching Rules

Parameters in Express

Express provides several different "parameters" objects:

Path Parameters in Express

The special character : means "this is a path parameter"


Path: /hello/Gandalf
Route: /hello/:name
Params: {name: 'Gandalf'}

Express will grab the value from the path itself, and put it into the request.params object for you to use later.

LAB: Hello, You!

Let's go back to our "Hello, Express!" lab and add another route.

app.get('/hello/:you/from/:me', (request, response)=> {
    response.send(`${} says, "Hello, ${}!')

Does http://localhost:5000/hello/Gandalf/from/Sauron work? If not, why not?

(Answer on next slide.)

Route Matching is Top-Down

Remember, Express routes are a list of matching rules which the server then walks through in first-to-last order.

So if an early route matches, it wins... even if there's a more specific rule that also matches later in the list.


Put more specific rules above more general rules.

app.get('/hello/:you/from/:me', (request, response)=> { ... 

app.get('/hello/:friend', (request, response)=> { ... 

Query Parameters in Express

For query parameters like ?season=winter&weather=cold

Express will grab the name and value from the query string, and put it into the request.query object for you to use later

Lab: Visualize It (Query Params)

In your server.js file, set up a route /about, that when visited, prints request.query to the command line.

Then visit http://localhost:5000/about?name=Bob&role=Instructor

You should see the queries printing to the terminal

visit `http://localhost:5000/about?name=Bob&role=Instructor` ```javascript app.get('/about', (request,response)=>{ console.log(request.query) // prints {name:'Bob',role:'Instructor'} }) ```

LAB: Hello, Query Friend!

Now change your "Hello, Express" server so if you visit the route localhost:5000/hello?friend=Gandalf (or any other name you want) it says "Hello, Gandalf!" (or whatever name you assign friend to)

```js app.get('/hello', (request, response)=> { response.send('Hello, ' + request.query.friend + '!') }); ```


Since request bodies can appear in several different formats, you need to use the correct middleware to extract them.

Simply put, middleware is code that:

Request (GET/POST) => Middleware => Server => Response

You've already used middleware without even knowing it! In express, middleware is mounted with app.use()

Body Parameters in Express

express comes with a handful of middleware options right out of the box, one of which is express.urlencoded(), which parses the request body for you.

That data will be available as request.body, much like request.params and request.query.

The difference is that request.body doesn't come from the URL like params and query do.

Let's visualize it.

LAB: Visualize It (Body Params)

In your index.html, add a form with the method of POST, like so:

  <form action="/postroute" method="POST">
        <input type="text" name="first">
        <input type="text" name="last">
        <input type="submit" value="submit">

In your server.js file, set up a route /postroute, that when the form SUBMITS, prints request.body to the command line. Be sure to enter data to the form!

Note: add express.urlencoded() as middleware so the body (the form data, in this case) can be parsed and read by the server.

```javascript app.use(express.urlencoded()) // passing {extended:true} as an argument will remove deprecation warnings'/postroute', (request,response)=>{ console.log(request.body) // prints {first:'formValueField1', last: 'formValueField2'} }) ```

LAB: Hello, Body Friend!

Now change your "Hello, Express" server so if you submit a form, the server will send back a greeting based on the submitted first and last name.

```js'/post', (request, response)=> { response.send(`Hello, ${request.body.first} ${request.body.last}!`) }); ```

Other Middleware

Middleware can also be directly inserted into individual routes, so they only run in those specific cases.

Example (from the express guide):

// POST /login gets urlencoded bodies'/login', express.urlencoded(), function (req, res) {
  res.send('welcome, ' + req.body.username)

// POST /api/users gets JSON bodies'/api/users', express.json(), function (req, res) {
  // create user in req.body

Write your own middleware!

Remember how we said you can customize your own middleware? Give it a shot!

When doing so, that function will have access to the request and response objects, AND the callback function next that simply tells it to carry on with the route's execution.

Note: the names of these arguments does not matter, although req and res are often the convention.

The request and response are sent to the middleware FIRST, and when next() is called, 
passed through to the route itself. They are expected in the order shown.*/

function logTime(req, res, next) {
    let date = new Date()

app.get('/route/', logTime, (req,res)=>{
  res.send("All done!")

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