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The SCOPE is a context, including all the variables accessible from a given code location

There are different kinds of SCOPE:

  • Global: can be accessed from anywhere
  • Local: can be accessed within where it is defined
    • Includes functions, loops, or code blocks
  • Private: cannot be accessed beyond a specific place

Global Scope

A variable without var, let, or const becomes a global variable and can be accessed anywhere.

nameToSay = 'Grace'; // global variable

function sayName(someName) {
  let greeting; // local variable
  greeting = 'Hello, ' + someName + '!';
  return greeting;

Global variables are dangerous, minimize their use.

Scope is One-way

An example of a one way mirror metaphor for scope

Scope is like a one-way mirror, inner scopes can see out, but outer scopes cannot see in.

One-way Scope Example

Loops, Conditionals, and Functions use code-blocks which have their own SCOPE

  • Variables defined with let or cont CANNOT be accessed outside a code-block.
  • Code within a code-block CAN use variables from outside.
nameToSay = 'Grace'; // global variable

function sayMaxTimes(maximum) { // code block 1
  let count = 1;
  while (count <= maximum) { // code block 2
    let greeting;
    greeting = 'Count:' + count + ' Hello, ' + nameToSay + '!';  
    count = count + 1;

Exercise: Guess the Name

  • let and const create variables within a SCOPE
  • Code blocks code are surrounded by curly braces, e.g. {...}
  • Code blocks act as a local scope
let name = 'Outside observer';
  let name = 'Mr. Bean';
    let name = 'Detective';
    console.log(name); // what value is name?
  console.log(name); // what value is name?
console.log(name); // what value is name?

If a variable name cannot be found in the current scope, then JavaScript looks in the next outer scope

Exercise: Guess the Fruit

  • Which fruit would be logged below?
let fruit = 'Apple';
  let fruit = 'Blueberry';
    let fruit = 'Cantaloupe';
    console.log(fruit); // what value is fruit?
  console.log(fruit); // what value is fruit?
console.log(fruit); // what value is fruit?

Exercise: Guess the Value

  • Which name would be logged below?
  • Which fruit would be logged below?
  • Which animal would be logged below?
let name = 'Ada Lovelace';
  let fruit = 'Apple';
    let animal = 'Horse';
    let name = 'Mr. Bean';
    console.log(fruit); // what is the value?
  console.log(animal); // what is the value?
console.log(name); // what is the value?

Function Names Global

Unless nested within another function, or code-block, functions are global

// global 'name'
let name = 'Alice';

function sayNames() {
  // can see global variable 'name'
  console.log('Printing first name: ' + name);

function saySecondName() {
  // function local variable 'name'
  let name = 'Bob';
  console.log('Printing second name: ' + name);

// 'Printing first name: Alice'
// 'Printing second name: Bob'

Function Parameters Local

The shout function has two local scope variables

  • Both variables message and loudMessage
let myOpinion = 'i love cheese';

function shout(message) {
  let loudMessage = message.toUpperCase() + '!!!';
  return loudMessage;


Scope Access Errors

Trying to use a variable that is not in scope will result in a ReferenceError

function doSomething() {
  let localVariable = 'accessible within the function';
  console.log('Inside: myPrivateVariable is ' + localVariable);

// 'Inside: myPrivateVariable is accessible within the function'
// ReferenceError: localVariable is not defined

Nested Function Scopes

For each definition of function someName() {...}:

  1. JavaScript creates a new scope for the function
  2. The new scope references the outer scope
  3. This nesting can repeat indefinitely

Why Nested Scopes?

letterCount, currentIndex, and allWords are visible inside the inner function as well as the outer function

let phrase = 'all dogs are good dogs'; // global

function countLetters(words) { // outer scope
  let allWords = words.split(' ');
  let letterCount = 0;
  let currentIndex = 0;

  function wordCount() { // inner scope
    while (currentIndex < allWords.length) {
      let currentWord = allWords[currentIndex]
      let wordLength = currentWord.length
      letterCount += wordLength;
      currentIndex = currentIndex + 1;
  wordCount() // function updates letterCount
  return letterCount; 
countLetters(phrase) // calls outer function