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Local Storage

LocalStorage lets you save bits of data that will be there the next time that same user visits the same page on that same browser.

LocalStorage acts sort of like an object hash -- but you should use its get and set methods, not [] or . notation.

LocalStorage Example

LocalStorage API

  • set an item js localStorage.setItem('myCat', 'Tom');

  • get an item js let cat = localStorage.getItem('myCat');

  • remove an item js localStorage.removeItem('myCat');

  • clear all items js localStorage.clear();

Storing More Than Strings

  • for LocalStorage, keys and values must be strings
  • but you can use this one weird trick to save a nested object:

  • set an item js localStorage.setItem('myCat', JSON.stringify(cat));

  • get an item js var cat = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('myCat'));

LocalStorage Lifespan

  • LocalStorage is meant for persistent data
  • it lasts until either your code clears it, or the user clears it, or the browser clears it
    • ... so even though it is persistent, your app should not rely on it being saved