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URLs and Client-Side JavaScript

This brief lesson builds on the URLs lesson, discussing how to read and use the current page's URL (the contents of the address bar) from inside your client-side JavaScript apps.

reading Query Parameters returns the URL's query string (everything after the ?) as a single string

yes, "search" is the wrong name for this field :-(, but "search" and "query" are pretty synonymous, so it's not so bad

unfortunately, you need to parse the string into parameters, decoding ?x=1&y=2 into the object {x: 1, y: 2}

fortunately, there is a standard JS API object to help you, named URLSearchParams

let params = new URLSearchParams(;
let name = params.get('name');

reading the anchor fragment

document.location.hash returns the URL's fragment (everything after the #) as a string

yes, "hash" is really the wrong name for this field, but it is now standard :-(

Normal web pages use the anchor to scroll to an element with a matching id or name attribute

Single-Page Apps use the anchor to redraw the page and call it "routing"